St Mark's CE Primary School

 Latest News

 Pantomime Ticket Sales 2024

Tickets for Snow White at the Churchill Theatre on Sunday 8 December at 5pm are available at a discounted price for St Mark's families.  

Please ensure that you have ordered your tickets by 8pm on 24 September to avoid disappointment. 

Please see link below for more information.

PTA Panto Ticket Sales 2024


 About Us

Welcome to St Mark’s PTA - the Parent Teacher Association for the School

Welcome to St Mark’s PTA - the Parent Teacher Association for the school.

St Mark’s PTA is a group of enthusiastic and hard-working parents/carers and teachers who willingly give some of their free time to organise fundraising events throughout the year for our children to enjoy, and to raise much needed funds for the school.

Money raised by the PTA goes directly to the school, to enhance every child’s educational experience by providing them with additional learning tools, play equipment, updated technology, and maintaining a fun and safe environment indoors and outside in the playgrounds.

PTA funds have helped the school purchase all kinds of resources, including 32 Kindle Fires, playground equipment including two table-tennis tables and the refurbishment of the KS1 outdoor climbing frame, PE equipment, hand-held microphones for the children to use during class worships/performances, a defibrillator, topic boxes that offer additional hands-on learning tools for specific themes within the curriculum, and external noticeboards to provide further communication between the PTA and all parents/carers,.

Our main fundraising events are the Summer Fair, alongside seasonal discos, cake sales, preloved uniform sales, ice-cream Fridays, Fireworks display, and the ever-popular Christmas pantomime at the Churchill Theatre. We are always happy to hear of new ideas and suggestions, and our events greatly benefit from the skills of parents at the school.

We stay in touch with parents through newsletters, emails, posters on our noticeboards, and our year group reps. You can also follow us on Twitter by clicking here and we are currently setting up a Facebook page as another way to keep updated with events and reminders. We have a black postbox in KS1 (outside the PAS) and one in the office foyer, where we can also pick up messages and collect forms/payment for events.

St Mark’s feels very passionate about the environment and creating a more sustainable future for our children, and we are in the process of setting up a PTA Eco team who will work alongside our current PTA members, as well as the school Eco Leader and class eco reps, to ensure we think about greener alternatives at our events, and help to reduce our environmental impact.

Please get in touch with our team by emailing

If you are interested in volunteering in any way, or have any ideas/suggestions - the PTA depends on the creativity and support of all our parents.

Many thanks,

The PTA Team.

We would love to see some new faces at our meetings and hope to be able to get to know some of you at the AGM.